My love for healing started when I was a child watching my grandma making home-made remedies for stomach pain, headaches, toothaches, muscle soreness and other things with herbs and food. I learned at an early age the importance of what our planet has to offer us, with all the tools we have to heal and nurture ourselves.
As a child growing up, my mother loved to cook all varieties of vegetables and she made sure that before leaving the house we ate 5 almonds and a spoonful of fish oil. I hated the fish oil so much but now I know the "why". As a nurse she understood the value of nutrition was the key to optimal health.
My real health journey started 10 years ago at work. I was going through a very tough time economically, in my personal relationship and at work. I was working with very challenging individuals. I just could not balance life well. I started to focus on the wrong priorities and began to forget about myself. One day I woke up as if my blood sugar levels were low then I felt an anxiety attack come over me. I felt like my heart was skipping so I went to the emergency room and the doctors did a full check on my heart. I was told it was a tachycardia and they put me in observation for a day.
Our bodies talk to us all of the time, whether it gives us a signal of something we ate giving us a rash, making you feel sluggish, or thirsty. We all must listen, as small as the signal may be, the body is telling us something. Honestly, most of us cannot hear or are unaware of what the body is telling us, until we are in the ER. Stress, like many other signals may look like a small thing, but that small thing can trigger a heart attack and other chronic diseases.
A few years later a digestive problem occurred where no internist could find the root of my pain. After several visits to my acupuncturist and going through a lot of different treatments, we concluded that, although stress was a big cause, I had two severe food sensitivities to banana and avocado that contributed to my digestive problem. I have tried all kinds of diets from keto to vegan to raw, and everything in between.
Today, from all modalities I could find, the following really made a difference for me: chiropractic care, acupuncture, reiki, sound bath, infrared sauna, breathing techniques, moving meditation, yoga, pilates, massage, therapy (mental and physical) and many others. It took me awhile to find my way and I am glad I did not give up on my journey to a better life, to a life with no pain, and to a healthier life.
You are not alone, whether it is to lose weight by eating healthier or to use food as medicine. If you are trying to overcome chronic diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, hormonal imbalance, getting your body ready for a pregnancy, or you are just curious about the modalities that can aid in your journey for optimal health, I am here to help you on your journey.